

※101: L-tryptophan in the treatment of impaired respiration in sleep. Bull Eur Physiopathol Respir. 1983 Nov-Dec; 19( 6): 625-9.
※102: Sleep induced by L-tryptophan. Effect of dosages within the normal dietary intake. J Nerv Ment Dis. 1979 Aug; 167( 8): 497-9.
※103: L-tryptophan supplementation can decrease fatigue perception during an aerobic exercise with supramaximal intercalated anaerobic bouts in young healthy men. Int J Neurosci. 2010 May; 120( 5): 319-27. doi: 10. 3109/ 00207450903389404.
※104: Metabolomic analysis of amino acid and fat metabolism in rats with L-tryptophan supplementation. Amino Acids. 2014 Dec; 46( 12): 2681-91. doi: 10. 1007/ s 00726-014-1823-y. Epub 2014 Aug 20.
※105: Aromatic amino acid activation of signaling pathways in bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells depends on oxygen tension. PLoS One. 2014 Apr 11; 9( 4): e 91108. doi: 10. 1371/ journal. pone. 0091108. eCollection 2014
※106: A role for tryptophan in regulation of protein synthesis in porcine muscle. J Nutr. 1988 Apr; 118( 4): 445-9.
※107: Effect of dietary tryptophan on muscle, liver and whole-body protein synthesis in weaned piglets: relationship to plasma insulin. Br J Nutr. 1991 Nov; 66( 3): 423-35.
※108: "Importance of serotonin (5-HT) and its precursor l-tryptophan forhomeostasis and function of skeletal muscle in rats. A morphological and endocrinological study." Acta histochemica 117. 3 (2015): 267-274.
※109: The aromatic amino acid tryptophan stimulates skeletal muscle IGF 1/ p 70 s 6 k/ mTor signaling in vivo and the expression of myogenic genes in vitro. Nutrition. 2015 Jul-Aug; 31( 7-8): 1018-24. doi: 10. 1016/ j. nut. 2015. 02. 011. Epub 2015 Mar 17.
※110: Oral tyrosine supplementation improves exercise capacity in the heat. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2011 Dec; 111( 12): 2941-50. doi: 10. 1007/ s 00421-011-1921-4. Epub 2011 Mar 25.
※111: Tyrosine supplementation mitigates working memory decrements duringcold exposure. Physiol Behav. 2007 Nov 23; 92( 4): 575-82. Epub 2007 May 22.
※112: The effects of tyrosine on cognitive performance during extended wakefulness. Aviat Space Environ Med. 1995 Apr; 66( 4): 313-9.
※113: Effect of tyrosine supplementation on clinical and healthy populations under stress or cognitive demands--A review. J Psychiatr Res. 2015 Nov; 70: 50-7. doi: 10. 1016/ j. jpsychires. 2015. 08. 014. Epub 2015 Aug 25.
※101: L-tryptophan in the treatment of impaired respiration in sleep. Bull Eur Physiopathol Respir. 1983 Nov-Dec; 19( 6): 625-9.
※102: Sleep induced by L-tryptophan. Effect of dosages within the normal dietary intake. J Nerv Ment Dis. 1979 Aug; 167( 8): 497-9.
※103: L-tryptophan supplementation can decrease fatigue perception during an aerobic exercise with supramaximal intercalated anaerobic bouts in young healthy men. Int J Neurosci. 2010 May; 120( 5): 319-27. doi: 10. 3109/ 00207450903389404.
※104: Metabolomic analysis of amino acid and fat metabolism in rats with L-tryptophan supplementation. Amino Acids. 2014 Dec; 46( 12): 2681-91. doi: 10. 1007/ s 00726-014-1823-y. Epub 2014 Aug 20.
※105: Aromatic amino acid activation of signaling pathways in bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells depends on oxygen tension. PLoS One. 2014 Apr 11; 9( 4): e 91108. doi: 10. 1371/ journal. pone. 0091108. eCollection 2014
※106: A role for tryptophan in regulation of protein synthesis in porcine muscle. J Nutr. 1988 Apr; 118( 4): 445-9.
※107: Effect of dietary tryptophan on muscle, liver and whole-body protein synthesis in weaned piglets: relationship to plasma insulin. Br J Nutr. 1991 Nov; 66( 3): 423-35.
※108: "Importance of serotonin (5-HT) and its precursor l-tryptophan forhomeostasis and function of skeletal muscle in rats. A morphological and endocrinological study." Acta histochemica 117. 3 (2015): 267-274.
※109: The aromatic amino acid tryptophan stimulates skeletal muscle IGF 1/ p 70 s 6 k/ mTor signaling in vivo and the expression of myogenic genes in vitro. Nutrition. 2015 Jul-Aug; 31( 7-8): 1018-24. doi: 10. 1016/ j. nut. 2015. 02. 011. Epub 2015 Mar 17.
※110: Oral tyrosine supplementation improves exercise capacity in the heat. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2011 Dec; 111( 12): 2941-50. doi: 10. 1007/ s 00421-011-1921-4. Epub 2011 Mar 25.
※111: Tyrosine supplementation mitigates working memory decrements duringcold exposure. Physiol Behav. 2007 Nov 23; 92( 4): 575-82. Epub 2007 May 22.
※112: The effects of tyrosine on cognitive performance during extended wakefulness. Aviat Space Environ Med. 1995 Apr; 66( 4): 313-9.
※113: Effect of tyrosine supplementation on clinical and healthy populations under stress or cognitive demands--A review. J Psychiatr Res. 2015 Nov; 70: 50-7. doi: 10. 1016/ j. jpsychires. 2015. 08. 014. Epub 2015 Aug 25.
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